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Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS – 10 Best Facts



The Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS about 4$-5$ per month, If you are very well set on VPS, you can also try other which for 5$ gives you everything you want, and on SSDs with a simpler to use interface.

Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS
Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS

How to calculate Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS

The AWS pricing calculator is helpful here. It will ask you which components you want to use and estimate the cost. The challenge with this calculator is to determine which of the 131 AWS services is required to run WordPress correctly.

Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS Example pricing

Deploy a micro instance (Server) for FREE$8 – $10 USD / Month
WP blogs landing pages$15 – $20 USD / Month
Hosting several websites$30 – $50 USD / Month
VPS or Dedicated Server$5 to $80 USD / Month
High traffic application$50 to $150 USD / Month
Wocommerce/ E-commerce$50 to $150 USD / Month
Hosting a highly-scalable Websites$300 – $800 USD/ Month
Corporate Applications$2000 – $6000

Free tier include (per month) for Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

  • 750 hours of Amazon EC2 Linux Micro Instance use (613 MB of RAM and support for 32-bit and 64-bit platforms) – enough hours to run continuously each month.
  • Amazon EC2 Microsoft Windows Server Micro Instance utilisation of 750 hours (613 MB of memory and 32-bit and 64-bit platform support) – enough hours per month to run continually.
  • 750 hours of Elastic Load Balancing and 15 GB of data processing.
  • Amazon Elastic Block Storage of 30 GB, with 2 million I/Os and 1 GB of snapshot storage.
How to calculate Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS
How to calculate Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS

What does AWS WordPress hosting cost?

Depending in your visitors the Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS differs, it is probably as low as $four or $five every month. With a long way better visitors, AWS WordPress expenses much less than SiteGround. As we will see withinside the the rest of this course, AWS WordPress Hosting grows and plays higher and not using a limitations.

You can also additionally scale up as fast as your web website online visitors increases, and also you simply pay for what you need.


While WordPress is a popular choice for many website and blog owners, it’s important to consider the costs associated with running WordPress on AWS. Depending on your needs, the costs can quickly add up. Make sure you carefully research and consider all aspects of running Cost Of Hosting WordPress On AWS before making a final decision.

AWS Price cost Models
AWS Price cost Models

Also sign on with Cloudflare CDN and your webweb page can be fast, and able to coping with lots of human beings a day, despite the bandwidth restrict easily.

